Robster Monitoring - a DIY IoT Project

Robster is my friends hamster, and we like to see what the little guy is up to. The data displayed here come from a very 'DIY' IoT setup. The camera processing application is open source and available on GitHub. It connects to the camera directly and uses the cameras ONVIF motion events to detect when to take a video/image snapshot from the RTSP stream. The processing is done by FFMPEG and the output is published to different Redis channels, s multiple clients can be setup. The robster data is stored via AWS as well.
Currently the clients available for the Robster data are:
  • This web app!
  • A discord bot (you must have a channel named 'robster-spotted' in your Discord guild to receive the images/gifs of Robster)

Built Using

  • Next.js
  • Mantine
  • TypeScript
  • Onvif
  • Redis
  • FFmpeg
  • 🐹
  • 🤫
    A very dodgy Duck DNS bash script that holds the entire thing together...